Friday, September 17, 2010

Powermac g4's?

I requirement to fine a g4, or g3 for under $350.

I looked at g5's but they are process to expensive. I don't want to use ebay! It needs to own at least 800mhz and wither a saw tooth or quicksilver model. And the OS have need of to be at least 10.4 or sophisticated. Please Give me a website or something where i can look. Remember not ebay!

Powermac g4's?

You can try Craigslist, or see if your state have a reassignment warehouse. In other words, sometimes schools or state office will upgrade to new machines, and the mature ones go to a warehouse and can be sold to the public. You can recurrently find older machines close to a G4 there for barter prices.

See if there's a MUG (Macintosh Users Group) in your nouns, might find something for sale.

The answers post by the user, for information with the sole purpose, does not guarantee the right.

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