Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Sony Vaio Desktop crashing after 5 mins?

So I am working to fix a Sony Vaio that have a program on it called Brave Sentry 2.0 it be causing the computer to crash and restart. I be able to remove it by doing a system restore to a month more rapidly. I did a disk cleanup, defraged the drive which was surrounded by bad shape, delete all the users , and very soon it runs for about 15 mins and resarts for no defence. Anybody have any philosophy?

Sony Vaio Desktop crashing after 5 mins?

try cleaning the registry of the program. it almost sounds like a hardware issue; video card overheating.

if you play games, try the laptop minus any activity, and see if it reboots.

next try it with games, if it reboots contained by games, then it may be the video chip

check the fan are clean and blow them out near compressed air.

The answers post by the user, for information with the sole purpose, RunQA.com does not guarantee the right.

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