Sunday, September 12, 2010

Nvidia 7900 gs vs ati x1900 xtx?

which card is better?

Nvidia 7900 gs vs ati x1900 xtx?

The X1900 XTX have the edge, but next - you would surely expect that with it costing twice as much as the 7900GS...

Use the connect below to compare card performance over several games/applications.
Personally the Nvidia card. Nvidia is better than ATi for gaming in my inference. I wouldn't get the GS though, spend a bit more and procure the GT. its well worth the extra bit of money.
If I be you I'd get the Nvidia 8800GTS because it's direct X 10 compatible and will in consequence outlast both the cards you mentionned.
Stay away from Nvidia. I've had ATI cards for years short any problems. My Dad has an Nvidia system and he's have a lot of problems.

Go for the X1900XT or even better continue until september and get a 2900XT which will support directX10 for Crysis, and by later will have different drivers - meaning it will be faster than an 8800. Cheaper too.

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