Wednesday, September 15, 2010

'Operating System not found', HD be formatted and dissasembled.?

I formatted my West. Dig., 8.5 gb HD and dissasembled my computer going on for 5 years ago. Now I tried to use it in another system and 'OS not found' comes up. I tried using my 98ME bootable floppy and installation cd to re-install my OS but I later I can't partition it and fdisk won't work. I own another pc I can put it contained by as a slave so will I be able to attain it to work in it and later download or restore windows to it or will it vote the same entity? I know the drive is still good. My thinking at that time be that once formatted I could do a clean install surrounded by another system at a later time and be apt to go. Was that stupid or what? I hold even used disk recovery tools but it have been wipe clean. Suggestions anyone?

'Operating System not found', HD be formatted and dissasembled.?

run to your bios and boot from hard drive. if this does not work format and do a fresh install and you dont want a wall, ntfs not fatt, and with that small hdd no screen. and it will be like unsullied! good luck!!! and use the 98 disk for everything it should format and install unless you are going next to xp. xp takes up 2.5 see of hdd space and you need @ least possible 256 mb ram, that small hdd run with 98 and if you do it right it will be close to when you bought the thing also 98 does not hold to be registered with ms
powerfully everything is worth a go, I tried using 98 surrounded by an old system, didn't similar to it, new system fine! yea if it be formatted a clean install that should do it really.
1st article get the motherboard to spot the hdd in bios settings after after the mother board knows its at hand? you can fdisk, create partition(s) and re install an O/S

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